Enviromental Education

The environmental information and awareness of the public that leads to the sensitization in issues such as management and protection of the environment is one of the main aims of the Management Authority.

Aiming to raise the awareness and participation of the public, the Management Authority accomplishes several activities. These activities concern presentations at schools, participation in world days, cleaning campaigns around the lake, participation in expos, etc.


Students from schools of the National Park, of the neighbor area as well as of schools of Serres town participate in this activity.  The students are informed for the values of the wetlands in general and specifically for the importance of Wetland Kerkini. During the presentation there is a projection of photos from the National Park and in the end the students are free to express their opinion, their thoughts or their questions. A useful tool for this procedure is the material that the Management Authority has and that has been distributed to all schools. The material titled “Meet the Nature of Lake Kerkini Protected Area” was created from the Hellenic Ornithological Society in cooperation with Lake Kerkini Management Authority and it is licensed from the Greek Ministry of Education. The material addresses to students of the first degree of education (age 11-12) and to students of secondary education (age 13-15). It involves a presentation in power point of the protected area, an instruction guide for the teachers and activity sheets. There are activities focused on field practice. This way the students learn the most significant aspects of the lake and the surrounded area.


The Management Authority applies seminars and meetings about the National Park to the local professionals that are involved with the ecotourism (especially to tour guides).


The Information Centre of Lake Kerkini works continuously since 1998 at the service of National Park’s visitors. The visitors can obtain information from the exhibition hall of the Centre which hosts during the year photos and information for the protected area. Also, there is a projection hall for those who are interested to learn more about the area. Apart from that, the personnel of the Management Authority can guide the visitors outdoor for bird watching.